A.I.M. Artificial Intelligence Machine Wiki
Repair module

The repair module is a good that can traded with. 

A universal multifunctional mechanism, allowing you to repair nearly any type of mechanical damages.


  • Type: expendables
  • Weight: 200 kg


This good is randomly sold in trading buildings for a constant price of 375 energy crystals.

This good can be sold in following buildings for a minimal price:

Rock Sector Tundra Sector Arctic Sector Volcano Sector Desert Sector Highlands Sector Swamp Sector
Arena 390 390
Charge platform 1/2/3


275/275/275 390/390/390 390/390/390 275/275 390/390 390/390/390
Climate actuator 390 275 390 390 390 390 390
Expendables plant 390 62 62 62 62 62 62
Extracting system 1/2/3


390/275 390/390 390/390 275 390
Half-stock plant 390 275 390 390 390 390 390

Main and Secondary bases

390 275 390 390 390 390 275
Manufacturing plant 390 390 390 62 275 390 390
Raw materials base 167 167 167 390 167 167 167